Therapeutic Artist, Therapist & Educator
As an Educator, Artist and Creative Therapist, my personal and academic focus has been the journey through experience, nature of "being" human and the environment in dialogue.
I care about the environment and those living within it, so I'm always considering ways to involve others in process and experience that includes wellbeing for both species and Earth.
My own work draws upon Jungian theories of subconscious and symbolism, that enquire into the behaviours and interactions of self and collective, what that means to the environment. I'm led by intrinsic motivation, and the perceptions beyond status quo, bringing a little element of Dadaism into my work for conversation and viewing the perception of self and others.
"Process can unearth the past, and pave the future but first, we need to look at the present to see where to go next" - Cara Jones
"Poetry is when an emotion has found it's thought and the thought has found words"